New on SI: Tua Tagovailoa Reportedly Recovering 'Miraculously Well' According to His Physical Therapist

AllDolphins Alain Poupart shares the latest with Tua Tagovailoa

Alain Poupart of AllDolphins reports on the recovery of their 2020 NFL Draft first round pick, quarterback Tua Tagovailoa. 

Video Transcript:

Robin Lundberg: The latest reports say Tua Tagovailoa is doing miraculously well and recovering from his hip injury. For more, I'm joined by Alain Poupart of AllDolphins. Now, Alain, this seems to fall in line with all the previous reports, really just meaning that Tua is ready and healthy.

Alain Poupart: That he's progressing as well as you could have hoped for. And again, that he's doing everything above and beyond what needs to be done in getting him himself back onto the football field and back to the form he showed before. The injury is really not a big shock, considering all the reports you've got out of the University of Alabama, where his work ethic, his preparation, all work commended and all were praised left and right. So nothing about this should come as a major surprise. That having been said, it's still a long way to go before he's actually ready to play in a game. But again, the fact that he's he is crossing each obstacle and reaching each milestone with flying colors obviously is nothing but good news for the Dolphins.

Robin Lundberg: Yeah. I should have said getting ready and healthier. But, you know, when you're looking at a rookie, there's always a little bit of patience in the timeline. Do you expect the Dolphins to proceed with even more caution?

Alain Poupart: I think I would believe that they would do so because, again, the significance of that player to the franchise, I mean, this is the guy that they think is going to be the franchise quarterback who ideally is going to be their starting quarterback in the next 10 years, say something that they haven't had for such a long time. They're going to air on the side of caution. Now, having said that, if he continues to cross every obstacle with flying colors like this and then we get to training camp whenever that might be and we'll get into whatever pre-season games there might be. And it's nothing but acing every test that's presented to him. There's no reason to hold him back if he shows you in every way, shape or form that he's ready to go in 2020. If there's any doubt, again, concerning the value of the player to the franchise, it would make certainly perfect sense to hold him back and not rush anything.

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